PT Acset Indonusa Tbk (IDX: ACST) is a prominent construction service company in Indonesia. Established in 1995 until now, ACSET has been forging its specialties in foundational and demolition works. Today, ACSET is a member of one of Indonesia’s largest business groups, PT Astra International Tbk through its subsidiary, PT United Tractors Tbk. Throughout its history, ACSET has been involved in numerous prestigious construction projects across the country. Courageously facing its constant challenges, ACSET ceaselessly improves itself in various construction skills, putting forth work safety and quality construction works. All of those works are testament to ACSET’s ability to build trust and partnership with its clients, with the goal of constructing the buildings with pride. With the spirits and goals shared with Astra, to be an asset of the nation, who continuously strives for excellence, ACSET will continue to challenge itself in the field of construction services, while actively contributing for the nation’s prosperity through a safe and high quality construction works.
Internal Audit
Persyaratan :
- Fresh Grad / Pengalaman Max 2 tahun
Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
- Aktif terlibat dalam perencanaan audit dari mulai pembuatan audit notification, analisis SOP, meranc
- Melaksanakan audit program yang telah ditentukan (pemeriksaan, diskusi dan analisa).
- Melakukan pelaksanaan testing baik analytical, observasi, verifikasi, dll.
- Mengumpulkan dokumen-dokumen pendukung audit (payment voucher, Time Sheet dan laporan-laporan lain y
- Mengumpulkan dan memvalidasi bukti –bukti audit yang diperlukan.
- Mendokumentasikan pelaksanaan audit dalam kertas kerja sesuai SOP Internal Audit.
- Membuat kertas kerja (Working Paper – WP) sesuai dengan arahan Team Leader.
- Memperbaiki kertas kerja dan laporan-laporan lainnya sesuai dengan hasil supervisi dari atasan.
- Melakukan diskusi dan update secara rutin dengan Team Leader, mengenai hasil yang didapatkan maupun
- Berdiskusi dengan Auditee dalam rangka pemahaman object audit, interpretasi data, klarifikasi issue
Kualifikasi Jurusan :
- S1/S2
- Akuntansi
- Akuntansi Komputer
- Arsitektur
- Sistem Informasi
- Teknik Industri
- Teknik Sipil
- Teknologi Informasi
- Ekonomi
- Ilmu Hukum
- Ilmu Komputer
- Manajemen
- Komputer Akuntansi
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